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If you desire more voluptuous lips or want to fill in hollow areas on your body, this treatment may be a great option. Furthermore, a fat transfer works great for the breasts and buttocks. There are many choices for cosmetic enhancement.

This procedure can help you achieve the look you want without a lengthy recovery period. We welcome you to get in touch with our office to schedule your consult at Kevin R. Hanz, M.D. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

What is a Fat Transfer?

When you gain then lose weight, or move through the normal aging process, you may lose shape and fullness in specific body features where volume once resided. A terrific way to restore lost volume is through an advanced cosmetic technique known as a fat transfer. This treatment takes fat from one or more areas on your body and moves it into another area that could use additional volume. Fat transfer procedures can be performed on widespread areas, such as the buttocks or breasts, or on delicate and smaller areas, such as the lower eyelid, cheeks, or lips. Dallas, TX board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Hanz incorporates the most advanced methods for performing fat transfers and will provide you with smooth and beautiful results.

What is a Fat Transfer?

When you gain then lose weight, or move through the normal aging process, you may lose shape and fullness in specific body features where volume once resided. A terrific way to restore lost volume is through an advanced cosmetic technique known as a fat transfer. This treatment takes fat from one or more areas on your body and moves it into another area that could use additional volume. Fat transfer procedures can be performed on widespread areas, such as the buttocks or breasts, or on delicate and smaller areas, such as the lower eyelid, cheeks, or lips. Dallas, TX board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Hanz incorporates the most advanced methods for performing fat transfers and will provide you with smooth and beautiful results.

Frequently Asked Questions


Men and women who want to add volume on parts of their body or face that appear hollow, thin, or deflated may be the right candidates for a fat transfer. This treatment is ideal for many because it provides an autologous way to produce results by incorporating your own fat tissue in those hollowed areas. With this method, there is less risk or worry for rejection. Both women and men at Kevin R. Hanz, M.D. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery considering this treatment must be at a healthy weight and have fat to extract for the transfer.


Volume loss can be caused by factors like weight loss and age. Fat transfer surgery can be very rewarding for patients who have lost volume in different areas of the face and body. For example, fat grafting in the lips and cheeks can produce a fuller facial appearance without resorting to invasive measures like facelift surgery.

In addition, a fat transfer can achieve natural-looking breast enhancement without silicone implants. Our tailored approach ensures that your results reflect your natural beauty.


During a fat transfer, you will be placed under some form of anesthesia. The type of sedation varies based on how much fat is being extracted and where it will be placed.

Liposuction is performed first using a special cannula to delicately extract your fat which it will then be harvested and separated inside a centrifuge (which preps the healthy fat for syringes).

After preparing the injection site, the healthy fat tissue will be inserted into your area of concern. The healthy fat tissue will be injected in layers until Dr. Hanz has reached the desired outcome based on your aesthetic goals.


After the transfer process has been completed, you will go through a healing period. Keep in mind, there are at least two sites on the body affected by this treatment: the fat removal site and the injection site.

The recovery process may be longer if a larger area of the body was addressed. Each area will appear red and slightly swollen, but the results can be seen pretty quickly. The added bonus is the area where fat was extracted will appear slimmer.

Fat transfers yield great results, but there will be some resorption back to the body. For some, a future transfer may be needed down the road. There is almost no scarring associated with this procedure.

How much does a fat transfer cost?

Your cost for a fat transfer will vary greatly based on many factors. In transfers to the breasts or butt, a higher amount of fat is needed, thus liposuction is used, which means a longer process is performed for fat purification and injecting it accordingly.

Smaller treatments, such as adding facial volume, require less time and fat. The volume amount required to reach your goals will be discussed in your initial consultation with Dr. Hanz, along with pricing estimates and payment options for you to consider.

Where can I have fat transferred?

A fat transfer can be performed almost anywhere on your body or face where you want to add volume. Some of the most popular areas are the butt, breasts, hands, and face.

Talk to Dr. Hanz during your consultation about where you want to add volume so he can develop your custom fat transfer treatment plan.

How long will the results of a fat transfer last?

Fat transfers create natural-looking results that can be long-lasting with proper care. If you would like to enhance or touch-up your results after a while, another fat transfer can be performed.

Are there any alternative treatments to a fat transfer?

Depending on the area where you want to increase fat, there may be alternatives to a fat transfer. Dr. Hanz can discuss all of the various options in your consultation so that you can see the results that best meet your cosmetic goals.

What if I don't have enough fat for a transfer?

During your consultation with Dr. Hanz, he will explain the amount of fat that is needed to achieve your goals. You might not have enough fat to transfer, but this is typically only a problem if you have a very low body fat percentage or you want a large volume of fat added to one area.

Fat can be taken from multiple areas or supplemented with donor fat. Dr. Hanz will discuss all of your choices during your consultation.



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Dallas leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kevin Hanz provides amazing results in surgical and non-surgical procedures, customized specifically to you. View our before and after gallery to see the results you can expect to achieve with Dr. Hanz.




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